Urinalysis Hybrid System U3600
The U3600 urine sediment analyzer is an integrated device that combines the functions of physical urine analysis, chemical analysis, and formed particle analysis. It is designed to modernize urine testing, providing 16 chemical analysis parameters, 46 formed particle analysis parameters, and 5 physical analysis parameters. The U3600 utilizes laminar flow technology, high-speed photography, and expert-grade image recognition technology to ensure high-resolution images and accurate classification of urine particles.
Compact Design, Save Space
Save up to 50% of space compared to regular workstation
Integrated physical, chemistry and morphology analysis into one machine
More detecting modes available for users
Hybrid System
Laminar Flow Technology
No need for centrifugation or staining
Particles pass through the imaging area in a single layer to avoid overlap and aggregation
Sample carry-over less than 0.05% (Concentration ≤ 100,000 /μL)
High-speed photography technology
Expert-grade image recognition function
Photometer technology uses the full spectrum instead of selected wavelengths
No overlap, aggregation, or morphological changes in formed particles
High-resolution images enhance detection speed
Powerful clinical database