Hematology Analyzer ZYBIO Z50
The Z50 Hematology 5-Diff Analyzer is a modern device designed for quantitative analysis of blood components, intended for use in clinical laboratories. It ensures accuracy and efficiency in research by utilizing impedance technology, colorimetric methods, and laser flow cytometry.
It is used for in vitro diagnostics and intended for laboratory use under the guidance of medical specialists. It can process whole, capillary, and pre-diluted human blood. Test results have reference values, so the final clinical diagnosis is also based on other examination results.
High performance and processing speed
Throughput: The Z50 processes up to 65 samples per hour, ensuring high working speed, which is especially important for laboratories with a large patient flow.
Sample types: The device can analyze venous, capillary blood, and pre-diluted blood. A minimum volume is required for each sample type: 18 µL for whole and capillary blood, and 20 µL for diluted blood.

Technical Specification
29 parameters + 5 scattergram + 3 histograms
Flow cytometry and tri-angle laser scattering for WBC counting and 5-diff differentiation
Impedance method for RBC and PLT Cyanide free reagent for HGB measurement
Sample Type
Venous blood, capillary blood and pre-diluted blood
60 Samples/h
Diluent, 2 Lyses, Probe cleanser

Comprehensive Parameter Set
Leukocyte indices: WBC, Bas# (basophil count), Bas% (basophil percentage), Neu# (neutrophil count), Neu% (neutrophil percentage), Lym#, Lym%, Mon#, Mon%, as well as unique indicators like ALY%, LIC%.
Red blood cell indices: RBC, HGB, HCT (hematocrit), MCV (mean cell volume), MCH (mean cell hemoglobin), MCHC (mean cell hemoglobin concentration).
Platelet indices: PLT, MPV (mean platelet volume), PDW (platelet distribution width).
Additional parameters: PCT (plateletcrit), P-LCR (large cell ratio).